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The Dirt

Springtime Pansy

Posted by Erin Autio on Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 11:52 am

Ahhhhh springtime in Canada!! One day tank tops and the next day touques!

If you've ever worked outside you'll know it isn't all the romanticized sunshine people imagine it to be! Only a small percentage of days is it that perfect not too hot/cold/humid/rainy/windy/snowy.  And the just above zero degrees and raining days have got to be the worst.  Cold, damp, soaking in to your bones as our mom would say.  You've got to be tough out here, can't be a pansy...hmmm I've googled that saying to find out where it comes from but have had no real success.  It makes no sense to me, any gardener will tell you, pansies are some of the toughest little flowers out there!

When it comes to bringing some beautiful mood boosting colour to the earliest of Canadian spring days that's your flower!  We are always excited to see them appear in the garden centres.  A rainbow of colour in those last long grey/brown days.  Add them to planters or a flowerbed so in those 'touque back on' times when we relapse almost in to winter they will remind you of the direction we are heading!

Wisdom for the week:

Be a Pansy! A tough, smiling face in less than ideal conditions.  Anyone can bloom in summer!