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The Dirt

Kindness in Business

Posted by Erin Autio on Monday, April 18th, 2016 12:50 pm

Kindness in Business

Has spring finally sprung? For real this time? We are getting things rolling here anyway! Lots of meetings and designs getting done, trucks cleaned, tools purchased and our first staff meeting of 2016!

We are always excited to have the new crew come in and meet each other. Some new, some returning, we always love our staff. Every year is an opportunity to learn from and inspire each other. Good relationships are beneficial for everyone. We feel being a boss or a successful business person shouldn't be synonymous with pushy, domineering, aggressive behavior. When we think of successful icons in business that is often who we picture isn't it? Why is that the image? Maybe it's our definition of success?

One thing we don't like about this way of doing business is that it seems to imply these people are more important than others. Let's remember that just because your job is a more "important" role in a company does not mean you are a more important human being. As a boss, you don't have a right to belittle or talk down to your employees. People give their best when they are respected and acknowledged. Employees should remember this about their bosses too, give your best at all times and remember they are human too-if they don't reward efforts or thank you every time, give some grace.
And customers...we always talk about customer service but what about simple respect from customers towards businesses? Because we are servicing customers' needs does not give them the right to treat us terribly. Because we run a business does not mean we don't have feelings or it doesn't matter how we are treated because we are going to get paid.

Let's focus on being kinder in business. Kind to your customer, kind to your employees, kind to your bosses, and kind to the people you hire. It makes a difference. Who knows what kind of home the kid who gave you your morning coffee comes from, what stresses have your waitress distracted, or how many kids your landscaper has to deal with when they get home 

Be kind, give grace to each other, give your best, and appreciate each other.
Now get to work!!