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The Dirt

Welcome "Spring"

Posted by Erin on Monday, April 11th, 2016 2:05 pm

It's been an interesting and exciting start to the 2016 season. We've welcomed a new baby into our greater 'Gaia' family. Sarah had a fourth baby girl in February so we are tied at four kids each. I think we'll call it a draw...

The weather has also been keeping us on our toes. Such a mild and snowless winter led us to believe we might be out in the garden earlier than usual. The beautiful March weather created a "flurry" of early emails and phone calls and some meetings to discuss potential garden work. Now this week here we sit in the office looking out at the snow with a six week old baby, cancelling a week's worth of meetings and being forced to do our homework.

This weather has fouled many moods and plans but this job demands flexibility, resilience, and making the best of your circumstances. So we remind ourselves of the benefits of this late snowfall:
1. We cleared out our to do list (almost) of in office jobs
2. The kids got one last round of snow activities in-and we hadn't put away the snow pants yet (procrastinators win again!)
3. Added moisture in a close to snow free winter is a bonus for plants
4. A good insulating cover of snow when it dropped below -10 overnight probably saved our garlic and early spring bulbs from serious damage
All good things!

So as we sit and stare out the office window, instead of scowling, we try to appreciate the beauty of the day we are in. Marvel at those early spring bulbs like the snowdrops, scilla, and crocus. Those little trailblazers for the warmer weather ahead. Be inspired to be a bright, positive force in adversity.

Thought for the week: They will call you foolish and crazy but blaze the trail. Stand strong and beautiful in the storm and know the sun is coming.