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The Dirt

Mid Summer Reflection

Posted by Erin Autio on Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 12:13 pm

Mid-Summer Reflection
I think August is the gardeners' equivalent to a mid-life crisis,
The excitement and giddiness of spring is over,
The exuberant beauty of those first perennials is finished and the annuals are looking a wee bit tired,
The tasks of weeding and deadheading that were a labour of love 3 months ago are now a task that weighs heavy on your shoulders
An unrelenting patch of thistles, browning seed pods on those Stella D'Oros, edges that keep blurring in between lawn and garden
On a 30 degree day in the intense sun of summer it's enough to make you throw in the trowel!
Instead let's sit back on the porch in the shade for a moment and breathe,
Breathe in the summer before it's gone.
Here we are at mid-life, where hopes and dreams crash full on into reality.
So those new perennials didn't flourish in their space like you had hoped this spring when you had planted them,
You didn't stay on top of the weeding in that farthest garden like you had planned,
Every year life holds successes and failures and the reality is a garden and life take work to really thrive, and there will always be things you can't control.
Our focus must be on the things we do accomplish and the amazing ways that nature is always surprising us.
There is plenty of beauty left to be seen in this waning sunlight, the best season is yet to come I think!